TRUE ???? # 46
I found out something the other day that I did not know, though some of you maybe have known it for forever, or nearly that long.
You all remember seeing on T.V. or the newspaper at various different times where someone with a backhoe has dug up a water main, so some people are without water until the water guys get it fixed. That's Curtis doing that.
His cover is "landscaping", while his real agenda is disrupting the water supply. I came into the cafe the other day, midday, and Curtis was sitting there with his feet up, relaxing. He was thoroughly wet, but it had rained THE DAY BEFORE, but not this day. When I asked him why he was there in the middle of the day, wet, with it NOT raining outside, the truth came out. (My interrogation methods are classified "Top Secret", and will not be revealed in this paper.)
Curtis had been at D-FW Airport (Covert Operation Welldigger) and some of his equipment malfunctioned. By the time he got the machinery shut down, the water supply for the airport, Denton County, Ellis County, and Hood County had been shut down completely. Curtis might have gotten away clean, but the force of the water coming out of the ground had deposited his pickup in Colleyville, a few miles West of D-FW Airport. He was picked up, soaking wet, still on airport property, trying to thumb a ride to Colleyville.
I asked him why he was still wet, since this episode had occurred a few hours before. Seems that Darla had dropped someone at the airport and was on her way to work, so she took him straight to the cafe. She told "Hottie" Carol that she was late because some idiot with a backhoe had dug up a water main on the airport and flooded everything on the airport, including the parking lot she was in. All flights into D-FW had been diverted to Austin, so that busses could get to Dallas from the West and South.
Curtis was dripping water everywhere, so Carol put two buckets on the floor and made him stand in them until he quit dripping. Then she handcuffed him to the table so he couldn't walk around and get the floor wet and slick for the other customers.
Chester finally asked him why he wasn't arrested trying to hitch a ride on the airport property. Curtis said he told them he was an illegal alien, and the airport cops made him get out of their car and said they were not even allowed to TALK to him.
Gemini Man
copyright 2012