Sunday, January 27, 2013



 TRUE  ????  TOO                                                               # 1

For anyone who has not read TRUE ????, you should know that TRUE ????, as well as TRUE ???? TOO, is almost practically nearly 16 % the plain, unvarnished truth, except for those few varnished un truths, of which there are almost not quite 4 % of the total, which includes the 1 and 1/2 % portions which are blatant lies. Keep that in mind as you read, and you can tell which parts are fiction and which parts are "made-up truths". There are no made up un truths.

The names of the parties herein have been changed to protect the one who is innocent. It will be for you to figure out who that might be.

Some of the characters you may read about in TRUE ???? TOO:

Luma Nescence. The Owner of the establishment, and sometimes the cook as well. If that name was spelled Lumi instead of Luma it would mean LOW temperature emission of light. LOW temperature she ain't. If I wasn't married, Id say she was HOT. Volcanic would be a closer description. She threw an egg at me the other day, and instead of catching it as I normally would, (being afraid that it WAS NOT boiled) I caught it with a whirling motion that catapulted it toward Tammy (Biscuit) without undue stress on the egg. Having thrown eggs at Biscuit (Tammy) before, I was surprised when she caught it and rapped it smartly on the counter she was behind. While she was cleaning up the mess, I inquired as to why she broke it instead of whipping it on toward Chester as I had expected she would. She said (Chester) was leaning way forward on his table so he could yell something at me, and was perfectly screened from her egging position by Sally(The Biker Chick), as she is small enough to be completely hidden behind Chester. That made perfect sense to me. Tammy would not have had a very big target if she was tasked to NOT hit (The Biker Chick) Sally.

We have a plethora of folks to write about, so as time goes by you will be introduced to more of them, and some customers as I learn their names. Anyone who wishes to escape being written about may simply not do anything, and I'll just make something up, which goes against the grain, but the people have a right to know.

Read this paper online at the address below.  Some more egg story next time.

Copyright Jan.-2013