This document is classified SECRET. Readers of this paper have a classification of: CONFIDENTIAL, so portions of this document have been expunged. Two other people besides myself have SECRET (and above) clearances, but if they read the complete document and then talked, they would have to be killed, so they have decided to read ONLY this CONFIDENTIAL version.
The _______ of ________________ are planning _______________________, with ______________________ planned ____________________ _____________. _____________________ _________________ the __________________ so as _________________ with _______________ cheer . The recent ________ of the __________ have ______________________________, and the __________
____________ decided __________________ is their _________ for ____________________ conclusion _______________.___________________ for ___________________ at this point. Further ______________________ as they ______________.
End Beasley Report
There is some positive feedback about a "cafe naming contest", so although the "official (on the paperwork)" name will remain The Rendon Cafe on the papers, we, as more than "just casual customers", can call it anything we want, that some of us agree on. Mrs. Reid/Reed said I cannot sit on the judging committee, but she forgot to say that I cannot APPOINT that committee. I decided that a committee of 21 would be just right. Upon reflection, though, if the committee is that large, that would only leave "transient" customers to put forth names. SOOo. Since we are a "limited in number" group, a committee of three (3) will be appointed to decide which name from the thousands that will be submitted will be the UNOFFICIAL name of the cafe and win for the submitter the "ABSOLUTELY 100% FREE cup of COFFEE".
Carol told me (or she WOULD HAVE if I had asked) that you do NOT have to be present to win, and any and everybody, committee members and all, CAN submit a name for the judging, which will be done when we get some names. A post it note pad will be in the rack with the newsletters for you to put the name for the cafe, and your name on, or else Carol won't know who to give the coffee to. I really don't care if you want to use the "Democratic" method of submitting, which is often, just remembering that if you submit a thousand names, you might be selected to COUNT the names. A box will be provided to drop the submissions into, and the committee, which will henceforth be known as The Committee, will determine which name wins. I suppose it is not out of the realm of possibility that Committee members might be "bought", as is our Congress, if you have a strong enough desire for a certain name, and enough money.
Online readers of this NL can submit a name, but ONLY in the cafe.
Gemini Man copyright 2010
This may answer your question if you had one.