In the last issue, I did not relate a heroic act by Chester saving a damsel in distress, thinking to save him possible embarrassment from people fawning over him and offering to buy him drinks, etc, etc. etc. I believe enough time has now passed that I can relate his deed, and state that because of his heroic actions I have recommended him to be knighted, whence he will become Sir Chester of Rendon.
As Virginia was leaving the cafe, she jumped back and screamed "Chester, come here. Quick."
Chester vaulted out of his booth and ran for the door, jumping over a table on the way. He skidded to a stop in the doorway just short of colliding with Virginia, and was immediately attacked by a spider wielding a switchblade knife.
Chester quickly took off one of his tenny runners and blocked a vicious slash from the blade. As you all know, Chester refuses to carry a gun to deal with spiders and snakes and criminals bent on robbery and such, but he employs his car keys as weapons, a la McGuyver. In very short order he had the spider subdued, and if you have not gotten a good look at Chester's keyring, there are 4 VERY small pairs of handcuffs there to deal with those 8 legged varmints, so Chester cuffed the arachnid to the front door knob.
He and Virginia started back to the booth, Chester on his cell phone calling the sheriff's office, whenCarol came out of the kitchen, marched to the front door, and after making sure she had a clear field of fire, she emptied her 9mm into the spider. After a quick call to Doors R' Us, Carol said to the customers at large: "We don't take prisoner's".
Gemini Man
Copyright 2011
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