Thursday, September 1, 2011

TRUE ???? # 40

TRUE ???? # 40

This was a comment made about # 39. If you comment you might get in print also.
"I have known Pat practically her whole life, and never heard her utter one expletive, much less one that would need to be deleted. Maybe this was one of those portions of TRUE ???? that isn't? She is fun, though, ranting and raving and foaming at the mouth while waving her arms about."
Gemini Man's comment about the comment:
"I have with my own eyes and ears, seen and heard Pat say no fewer than 6 (six) expletives in the space of less than a minute. While the 4 readers of TRUE ???? may doubt my veracity on the subject, I think you'll agree that Carol and Taylors' veracity is beyond question, and they were at this hearing.

I walked out the front door to go to the office, out back. The mercury thermometer (accurate) read 116 degrees. The walk to the office is approximately 40 yards. When I sat down in the office I realized I had left Linda's notes (for the newsletter) in the house. I walked the 50 yards back to the house and picked up the note pad. I noticed the fan in the living room was oscillating, so I picked up the remote to stop it. The remote, after several tries, would not stop the oscillation, so I pushed the button on the fan and that stopped it. I walked the 60 yards back to the office in the 120 degree heat, went in and sat down, looking at the fan remote in my hand. Walked the 80 yards back to the house and put the remote down and picked up the notebook. Without any distraction this time, I walked the 110 yards back to the office in the 140 degree heat. Sat down and wrote #40, quite similar to this one. I completed it, reviewed it, and was starting to put it on the Gemini Man blog when I realized I had not included the signature, address and copyright notice. I backed up to insert the stuff needed, and discovered that I had walked 2 1/2 miles in 165 degree temperature, written the # 40 issue, then deleted it without saving it either in the computer or on paper.
That is why you are reading this #40 now instead of the other # 40 I wrote a week ago.

I found out that when Donde is away and Gran Sheridan is in charge, the kids stay up late, cuss, drink, smoke, play poker and eat junk food. Sheridan uses Roy as their example, cause when he was younger, he did all those things, and he is being*inducted into the Brewer High School Hall of Fame, having been instrumental in that football teams' winning White Settlement's first District Championship. Sheridan does NOT know, however, that Roy DID NOT eat junk food, being a football player and all.

Sheridan told someone that Daryl was out gathering corn to feed the deer. I feel safe in saying Daryl already knows this, but see he reads this issue just in case.
They have started taking corn right off the cob, and even putting it in sacks to make it easier for us to carry it to the feeders, so we no longer have to go out and gather the corn, or plant a cornfield for them, either.

Gemini Man
Copyright 2011

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