TRUE ???? # 47
I don't know whether Hottie Carol advertised or what, but recently an old guy contacted her trying to sell her a farm. He said the constant quack quack here, and moo moo there, and everywhere a oink oink quack moo was driving him insane and he wanted to sell out and get him a condo in town. Carol thought it over carefully, then decided she could incorporate some farm stuff into the cafe and not actually have to buy old MacDonalds farm, which would have necessitated a very long drive into town every morning to open up the cafe, and she finds it much easier to buy the milk than to milk all those cows, so she turned down old MacDonalds offer and set about combining the cafe with some farm stuff.
She promises that one farm thing that WILL NOT be incorporated into the cafe is the farm smells, which all of you former farm dwellers will agree, had some very pleasant smells, and some VERY UNPLEASANT smells, which we can do without at breakfast.
The transition is taking place as this is written, and so far there has been no necessity to scrape cow-flop or chicken s!!! off your shoes before you enter, or as you leave. Alas, because of health department regulations, we shall probably have to forego the quite pleasant smell of new mown hay as well.
When all is said and done, she plans to have a grand opening, which she will advertise somehow, so that all who wish may attend. Ya'll come if you can.
Gemini Man
Copyright 2012
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