The goin’s on at Jays Country Kitchen are not known to everybody, not even everybody who consider themselves a “regular”. Most are only aware of what goes on while they are actually in the café. Some might dismiss this missive as GOSSIP, but it’s entirely TRUE. At least everything that ACTUALLY happened is true, or maybe 50% nearly half true. Everything that is “made-up” MIGHT be true, might be partially true, might be a little “story” with a little truth thrown in somewhere, but it will never be a “BALD-FACED LIE”. Now THAT was a bald-faced lie, so I better retract that. I will leave it entirely up to you to sift through the words and figure out for yourself what is true, and what maybe ain’t exactly the whole un-varnished truth.
The other day, Tammy related to me a time when Pat gave her a 33 cent tip. She didn’t say if Pat was chastising her in a “damn waitress” fashion, or just forgot to bring any money from home. I know Pat is an honorable man, but he might have just forgot his money. Anyway, I thought maybe that could catch on, so I left Tammy my own 33 cent tip. I had more money on me, so it wasn’t forgetful on my part. The next day, Missy was back, and I asked her what had happened when Tammy discovered a 33 cent tip. Seems Tammy had got a puzzled look on her face about the 33 cents, then recollected she had mentioned to me that Pat had once given her 33 cents. Tammy immediately started trying to figure out a way to get me back. She first thought she would refuse me any Tabasco sauce for my coffee. That would for sure mess up my whole day.
Then her eyes happened to fall on the cowboy hats on the wall. She said to Jay, and Missy, and Jamie, and anybody else who would listen that she was going to hold my “wall Stetson” for ransom. Before she could take it off the wall and stash it somewhere, Jay took money out of his own pocket and gave it to Tammy to rescue my Stetson.
This goes to show that cowboys will stick together, especially if somebody is messing with their hat. I have to also believe that cooks and waitresses stick together as well, which means that not tipping your waitress could be reflected in the chow on your plate.
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