Friday, August 20, 2010


To read this newsletter, you must understand that almost half of nearly everything in it is nearly 50% almost half truth, while some portions of it may be “made-up”, or embellished half truths.

Sharon was in the cafĂ© when I arrived this morning, but just about to leave. She was hurrying to get to the Head Shed and open up. As it was 12 minutes after 9:00 a.m., with about a 4 minute drive ahead of her, I figure that it is safe to assume that opening time is 9:16 a.m., sharp. At least on Friday, July 2, 2010. She might actually operate on a “sliding opening”, which I understand is great. If the “opener”, whether it is Sharon or someone else, arrives at The Head Shed at 9:38 a.m., and it doesn’t open until 9:44 a.m., the opener has time to stand there and smoke a cigarette. If she/he/it hasn’t had coffee yet, the sliding opening could be slid to 10:44 a.m. to allow the opener time to get to the Big Country Kitchen for coffee or even breakfast, if time allows. That is the great thing about the “sliding opening”. It allows time for the important things in life.

Sharon is a graduate of the Once Great Comanche Nation School for The Art of Hair Removal, or OGCNSFTAOHR for short. (One must remember that an off-hand remark about “scalp me” is taken quite literally at The Head Shed.”) I have been told that only two people have ever asked for the “Custer” haircut, and neither of them have ever been back. I think that some haircuts just do not lend themselves to bringing in “repeat” customers, and this could be one of those. Sharon assured me that she can do the “old guy tapered cut”, so when my hair reaches sufficient length I will let her cut my hair. My wife, Linda, says I really should let her cut all fifteen of them, but for the first time, one should be sufficient.

I drove to The Head Shed REALLY, REALLY SLOW, trying to check out Hooker Corner, but it must have been too early, cause I didn’t see anybody. I’ll see if Sharon will try to make up a “schedule” for sightings.

Copyright 2010

1 comment:

  1. I really am enjoying your newsletter, maybe we can meet one day!
