TRUE ???? # 51
Ashley couldn't change a light bulb from atop a table the other day, being afraid of heights as she is, so Hottie Carol, Darla, and Lacy decided it would be best if they all got together away from the cafe and worked on Ashley's fear of heights. Carol asked her what was the highest she had ever been, and she admitted she could not make it to the top of a ladder to get on the roof at her house. Carol doesn't think doing things in "increments" is helpful, so she decided the four of them should go "sky-diving", which, if it did not scare Ashley to death, would get her over her fear.
When told this, on the way to the airport at Burleson, Ashley said she was too afraid to get in an airplane. Carol had anticipated this, and being a fan of the old t.v. show "The A-Team", she was ready with a syringe full of the same kind of sedative the "team" always had to give B.A. to get him in a plane. All went as planned, and even though it slowed the girls down some, they managed to get the unconscious Ashley into a parachute harness, which is difficult at best.
When all was ready, the girls then began to decide how to proceed, and who would go first, did they push Ashley out or wait for her to jump on her own? They decided that Lacy would jump first, with the camcorder to record the event. They would all be standing at the door, with Carol and Darla supporting Ashley until she woke up. At that instant, Lacy would jump, with her back to the ground, Darla would jump, then Carol would grab the now conscious Ashley and jump out the door, dragging Ashley with her. Piece of cake.
Carol would hold on to Ashley, giving her instructions on how to use a parachute on the way down. If she was screaming all the time, Carol had a silk bandanna borrowed from Burt's truck to stuff in her mouth and shut her up so she could pay attention to instructions.
Ashley was as level headed as could be expected, and when she saw that red bandanna in Carol's hand, she said: "Carol, that is NOT big enough for a parachute."
Unflustered, Carol put Ash's hand on the D-ring and said: "Sometime between now and you splattering on the ground, just pull this ring very hard, and it will open your chute. Take this red bandanna just in case the chute doesn't open." whereupon Carol turned loose of Ash, and pulled her own D-ring, which immediately slowed Carol down as Ash hurtled toward the ground.
She didn't have to hurtle very far before realizing that this was as good a time to pull that ring as any, and almost ripped that D-ring from the pack, but it did have the desired effect and the drogue filled with air and pulled the main chute from the pack. When the initial shock hit her, for a terrifying moment she thought she had hit the ground, but when she opened her eyes, there was the ground. Way the hell down there. Looking to her right and left, she could see Darla and Carol and Lacy just floating down, light as feathers, so she relaxed. Piece of cake.
For those of you who know the area, going West from the cafe on 1187, there is a horse training facility just before you get to I-35. Fortunately, since she was extremely relaxed, Ash landed in the stock tank on that facility, while Carol, Lacy, and Darla landed high and dry several yards away. They were able to get to Ash before she swallowed too much water, as Carol had neglected to give Ash instruction on how to GET OUT of a parachute harness, and they pulled her out without problems. Piece of cake.
The next day, at the cafe, Chester wondered aloud why Ashley's leg brace was hanging on the hitch rail outside, soaking wet. Carol told him to ask Burt. I guess I'll have to write that story, someday. Should be a piece of cake.
Gemini Man
copyright 2012
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