I told you that the C.I.A. furnished our intelligence. I was now beginning to wonder if they had any to furnish, because it was they who said the C-4 was disguised, ( I know as what) and I know that some of you explosive experts out there are saying things like "65 pounds of C-4 explosive is enough to blow up several 40 by 40 foot buildings, so why is the idiot using so much, and why isn't the dummy setting it off with a radio or battery, instead of an inefficient percussion detonator?" All of these are valid points, but only because you don't know the whole story.
First of all, the explosive was placed in the building (by someone from the C.I.A.) when the building was erected. Because of the workmen there at the time, and the twenty or so people there 24 hours a day since that time, the agent was unable to lay wires to set off the charge electrically. Secondly, because this building and three others like it were built close to radio and TV transmitters, to have used an electronic detonator could have resulted in the C-4 going off as soon as it was planted. C.I.A. operatives are not known to be suicidal. Third and lastly, I could not care less if the building even blew up at all. I just hoped that 65 pounds of plastic explosive was enough to cave in the underground installation the building sat over. The entrance, exit, ventilation system, etc., were allright there in that 40 by 40 wooden building. Intelligence said that the underground installation was much larger than the buildings that sat over it, but the only building that had any access to the underground portion was the one I had just been shooting at. If I caved in the entrance, everything beneath the surface was there to stay, so to speak. The time it would take to dig it out after a cave-in would insure that no one (or thing) would remain alive. So even though the explosives were in the building and I was shooting at the building, it was not the primary target. The same building in which someone had moved the explosives. I just hoped it was still in the building. To say that I hoped I could get into the building to find it would not be exactly truthful. I hoped the damned stuff would go off by itself. But I had to get in there to make sure that it did go off.
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