The movie cowboys you all remember I'm sure
And a black and white stallion was famous as well
Stallions are different, and sometimes quite difficult
And some say Diablo came straight from hell
But I knew Diablo, the flashy Overa, and he was a stallion
not mean, not a killer, but fire and spirit in one
Diablo has passed now, and lies in horse heaven
But his spirit lives on, cause I ride his son
Wayward Wind is a stallion, different and difficult
And my friend Bill Allison, busted and down for the count
He rode the eight seconds with no catcher to help him
Then Wayward denied him a graceful dismount
Bill hit the ground hard, and right there he stayed
And trying to move, of his strength took each ounce
That day and Wayward, taught Bill and this Warlock
To hang on to a stallion, cause OLD cowboys don't bounce
I certainly believe you when you write that OLD cowboys don't bounce ;0)