For all of you who don't know, we now have TWO friends/patrons/customers of Big Country Kitchen that have schools named after them. Mrs. Reid/Reed had one in Mansfield named after her several years ago. Being a teacher, she just naturally started a class teaching people how to get a school named after them, but as of now the only student who has accomplished that is Charlie, who got his school in Everman, probably open as you read this. Assuming that Charlie was not Mrs. Reids/Reeds only student, we must assume that Charlie has a monumental intellect, or Robert has a monumental intellect and coaches Charlie. We have been assured that Charlie was NOT a teacher or Principal, did NOT sell the land to the school for .40 cents an acre, nor donate it to them for free. Charlie's scruples would never allow him to blackmail Everman out of a school. This paper also has scruples, so it will not give credence to the rumor that Mrs. Reid/Reed and Charlie are actually both aliens with mind control powers. I must concede that controlling a school board would probably get a school named after you, but we should not assume that is the case.
Bob had a good idea that is worth following to see if it will work. He asked Victoria if he could borrow a dollar so he could give her a tip. Then he said to make it three dollars and he would get my tip and Curtis's tip. I was at the time paying more attention to Curtis giving Jeremy instructions how to catch grasshoppers and put them into Mariah and Maranda's clothes without them knowing he did it. Jeremy, don't use the one where you sew a grasshopper inside the neck of their t shirts. They could discover it, put the grasshopper in the FRONT of their t shirt, then dip all the snuff and chew all the tobacco they wanted, and tell Donna the brown stain on the front of their shirt was from mashing a grasshopper that Jeremy had sewed into their shirt.
Victoria said she stays out of Donna's kitchen, cause last time Donna threw something at her. Turns out, what Donna threw was a fit, and when Victoria was assured that a fit would not hurt even if it hit you, she calmed right down. Seems Donna was slightly upset that her DART team lost their tournament to another team that is not any better, but have played together more and longer than Donna's team. Here's how to fix that. CAFE: 12 hrs a day for 7 days =84 hrs.-- SEX: 2 hrs a day for 7 days =14hrs.—EATING: 1.5 hrs a day for 7 days =10.5 hrs—DART PRACTICE: 8 hrs a day for 5 days =40—SLEEP: 2.78 hrs a day for 7 days =19.46 hrs. That leaves you with .04 of an hour left over to do anything you want. A couple of months of that, and you'll make hash out of that other team. (Come to think of it, since you DO work in a KITCHEN, let's make fool's of them instead.)
Gemini Man
Copyright 2010
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