Sunday, February 13, 2011


I have not been into the Head Shed for a while, but I did run into Doctor Blanca-Vera at Rendon Cafe the other morning. She was with her husband, whom she did not introduce to me, probably because when I called her Chica, she probably thought I was confusing her with her sister Chica.. Not so. I was merely trying to put one over on God and get Doctor Blanca-Vera put into the "annointed one" category as her sister is, so she couldn't be mistaken for a loose woman. It did not work, so either you cannot fool God or you must be a priest to "annoint" someone. I will have to find out how Chica accomplished that.

Doctor Blanca-Vera told me she was not Chica, which I knew, and that she was the Phsychiatrist, which I also knew. Her husband told me that he had altered a sign at the Head Shed by affixing an arrow to the "loose women-pickpocket sign" to direct one's eye to Sharon-Michell-Alice when you read the words Loose Women, to lessen the stigma on Doctor Blanca-Vera, which I did not know. I also did not know there was any stigma attached to one's being known as "a loose woman". Historically, most of the women who have made great accomplishments in different fields of endeavor have been loose women.

Joan of Arc's battlefield accomplishments were unmatched even by most men, and Joan was as loose as a goose and crazy as a bedbug. Everybody knows that Carrie Nation always downed a fifth of red-eye before taking her hammer into the saloons and busting them up. Florence Nightingale mended broken bodies relentlessly, and practically everybody knows about Hillary.

Maybe we could start a class for loose women, instructing in all the finer points, and removing the stigma. like an exorcism. Sharon-Michelle-Alice could tell us what things to leave, and which to get rid of. Maybe one could be another Joan of Arc' without killing everyone in sight and being a full bubble off plumb. This may sound a little radical, even for TRUE????, but maybe Sharon-Michelle-Alice could become the first loose woman priest. I'll vote for her. We could start a new political party. Women for abolishing stigma attached to loose women, or WFASATLW, for short.

Gemini Man
copyright 2011

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1 comment:

  1. This story shows me that you obviously do understand woman VBG
