Tuesday, August 17, 2010

TRUE ???? # 4

On Sunday morning, Carol found herself filling the roll of cook, waitress, dishwasher, janitor, security guard, and all around customer greeter. While some might say you can’t be in two places at once, it’s just because they have not seen Carol on her motor scooter serving customers. She was doing an admirable job keeping up with the crowd, but had to retire the scooter after someone passed out from carbon monoxide fumes. She immediately switched to roller skates, and it didn’t slow her down much, but did help the breathable atmosphere in the café a bunch.

Brenda passed out coffee, silverware and cigars while Carol was actually cooking in the kitchen. James was helping out bussing tables and serving coffee as well, since Jim (Sharon’s husband) had not arrived yet. Everyone knows that Jim (Sharon’s husband) serves coffee, busses tables, fixes fans, makes coffee, mops the floor, repairs tables, paints, puts tables together to accommodate big crowds, and could probably cook, except he refuses to wear an apron. James also does all those things, and may be trying to take Jim’s place as the café’s handy man. James also helped the “nekkid guy” get his car started after he got out of jail, so he obviously helps outside the café as well.

It has been rumored that Tammy has a snipers mat because she covertly works for Governors For Big Government. I can testify that is a LIE, because she quit those four when they insisted she pay for her own ammunition out of her waitress salary.

Sharon (Jim’s wife) was reported to have turned down a mixed drink made with cherry rum. When asked if she objected to drinking rum, she replied that cherry rum is a sissy drink, and she prefers Cuban rum, which is 190 proof. Since pure alcohol is 200 proof, we must assume that something in Cuban rum appeals to her taste buds, and has nothing at all to do with alcohol content.

I understand that Sheridan has been spending a great deal of time in Oklahoma, at the gaming tables, horse races, dog races, penny pitching matches, and even bingo games. It could be that she is simply scouting locations for a new house because she wants to live in Oklahoma. If she likes to gamble, I have some advice. Poker and luck should not be used in the same sentence, so unless you are a GOOD poker player, stay away from the poker tables. You can win at Blackjack, you can win at the dice tables. You can win at Bingo. If you know horses, you can win at the track. Same with dogs. If you dig a hole in the desert, throw your money in and cover it up, you have a better chance of getting it back than you would playing Roulette. Assuming of course, they know what Roulette IS in Oklahoma.

copyright 2010

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